Friday, June 19, 2009

How to Earn Extra Cash Using Social Networking

Social networking can be an excellent way to not only increase the number of visitors you get to your site, but it can help improve your page rank and it can generate some serious extra cash into your business. Every day millions of people log into their social networking sites. It is been reported that social networking sites like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn among many others see user numbers as high as 60-100 million people monthly.

That is a lot of people all gathering together on similar sites, so obviously it makes sense to find ways to cash in on such massive communities. There are already quite a lot of savvy business people making great profits from social media marketing. Let us look at some ways you can earn some extra cash from social networking.

Sign Up
Most of the people first impulse is to sign up for as many social networking sites as they can find, create a sales spiel and wait for the money to roll in. Obviously, this tactic is not going to work. Before signing up, take a little time to look around at some of these social networking sites. You will need to research a little into how they work and which ones are likely to be the best possible use for your time if you are going to create a proper market growth strategy.

There is a reason why this form of income generation is called social media marketing and it is all about being social and making friends. People do not want to hear your sales spiel about your great product. They join these sites to meet people who might have similar interests to theirs and they want to learn from people.

This means your profile needs to contain links to potentially helpful information and information about you as a person. Take a little time to describe yourself. It is fine to add in your particular area of expertise here, because once people begin to know you and trust you, they will want to ask questions and visit your sites. Remember to set your profile so that it can be viewed easily by everyone. You want them to take a look at who you are!

Make Friends
The point of social networking is to meet people who have similar interests to yours. When you are working on social media marketing, you will want to make friends with those people who show an interest in what your product is about.

With social marketing, you are developing a market development strategy here designed to bring more income into your business, but you still want to be seen as social and friendly. Join in, be helpful, and leave comments. People just love those who are givers, so give positive feedback and make sure you try to honestly help people with questions they have.

Even though your main priority is to make more sales and sell your products, you should not be actively trying to sell to anyone on a social networking site. People do not like to be sold to, but they will happily buy products from people they know and trust.

Be a part of the community. Join the forums and submit your own blog posts. Make your communications fun and light-hearted but above all else helpful. Your website link is already showing in your profile and you might even be able to add it to a signature line on some social forums. Once people begin to know who you are and appreciate your input into their community, they will automatically be drawn to check out your website. Once they have clicked and arrived at your site, it is up to your website sales page to convert those new people into sales that mean extra income into your business.

Social BookMarking
Social networking is a great opportunity to develop a serious global marketing strategy, especially when you add social bookmarking sites into your market growth strategy. Bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious allow you to bookmark your own websites. You should add a keyword-specific tag to each bookmark that is an accurate reflection of your site product or topic.

Search engines seem to love bookmarking sites at the moment, so if your site or blog is bookmarked at a few of these by several people, you can be sure the search engines will notice. If you are keen to develop a truly global market strategy for your online business, then you cannot go far past social networking as a great way to draw traffic, make friends, and create a reputation for yourself and best of all is to earn extra cash from social networking along the way.

Author Resource:-> Nizam Shapie is an independent marketing consultant who provides an authoritative voice on marketing strategies and training. Did you find these tips on how to earn extra cash using social networking is useful?

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